No Purpose Under the Sun…
It’s fleeting and it’s only ever a single chance you get to wipe off the darkness with the shroud of the sun. The charcoaled and lifeless rot will stick until it vacillates underneath, in between […]
Submission’s End…..
You look at me and I come apart. Then I am lovingly caressed together again by you. I become a new version: I am her. And she’s the one you wanted, created by you, and […]
Return For Me…..
Walking backwards into the memories, I found you, again. And nothing was lost. Dear, you were still so dashing and also annoying!! (You remained stubborn.) Ahh, me! I lavished your form again and again and […]
Return For Me…..
Walking backwards into the memories, I found you, again. And nothing was lost. Dear, you were still so dashing and also annoying!!(You remained stubborn.) Ahh, me! I lavished your form again and again and […]
9/11; Away You Go, My Baby…
And a stain on material will fade, And a scar on the body will lessen over time, its indentions in and on the skin. But in the membrane it will alterthe prints of this […]
Unfaithful Was Not Our Story….
I wasn’t hopeful and only dreaming when I heard you through the gravel and thunderous churning of a day. I wasn’t expecting someone familiar or that you would have quietly grown on and so […]
Flecks of Gold…..
When your palace has emptied, and the silver is polished and stowed away,When the memory of her laugh fades into a danker darkness,The only life remaining a reflection in the marble and mirrors about you–Flecks […]
Hunted Home…..
The eyes looking back don’t haunt me anymore. I’m not scared enough… There is no more alcoholic bliss and magical-trickery that can stop the seething fire alit beneath the irises and below the tide rising […]