It Goes On

Sometimes thoughts are better left restrained. 

Kindness puts duct tape over Pride’s mouth.

Her hands are free, but out of respect she leaves it there.

The lash of a tongue can cut your ego and slit your throat.

Words that blacken your mind and bruise your lips, giving you every reason to take them to heart.

Respect my kindness, because I gave my pride a filter out of respect for you.

The frame is strong and the glass is clean.

The picture is pretty, but you subtract your respect to learn your heart is petty.

Love doesn’t have a sex but two of the same kind is what religion seems to be against.

Am I a fool, for having a guy friend, who likes dudes?

We shoot and we shame, cause different makes you distant.

We all should love the same. Who told you to be different?

I’m neither with it or against it.

Why stop a heart that ventures out on its journey?

It’s some things I’m still learning. 

Our minds are five dollar toys cause they always tend to be played with.

The Tv tells you what you need and what you want, so you’re easily persuaded this is a united nation.

 When a black man bled, they turned their heads.

Yet they wonder why angry sons scream “F THE FEDS!”

Can words heal a nation?

 I believe my words and thoughts make the perfect equation.

I’ve been living for centuries.

I am a recreation.

My mind is old tomb stones and ruins.

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