Am I wrong?
For loving this strong, and not knowing how living can continue without him?
Am I wrong for seing him with eyes of a child, fascinated like in a fantastic realm,
taking in every bit of what he is,
my deadly tease?
For finding in him treasures hidden so deep, gems so brilliant, fruits so sweet like never touched nor tasted before?
Am I mad if I crave for some more,
and for feeling such steam?
For loving me through his gaze, and the beam in his eyes?
For wanting to be his pride and his rise?
Is it arrogance to fight for keeping my emotions alive, dreaming of his cuddle, and the way he used to kiss my hands and my forehead, or caress my thighs?
He gave me oh so little of what he hides, yet so much more than I’ve ever dared to dream; I was too shy to believe I could surf such tides.
But now that he opened my eyes,
I want to explore the majestic world that he kept secret for so long while waiting for his dearest to give her his all.
Even though I know it can’t be me, is it wrong if I wish I was? He’s my heart and my soul.
He’s the most.
I wish I was black,
smooth chocolate skin
like dark roasted hot coffee bean,
so fragrant and precious that none can be lost.
Am I wrong? Does my blood not carry oxygen through my arteries anymore, just because I wasn’t meant to be what I wanna be?
I’ll always love him for all he is, not for the way I wish he was loving me!