I am not here, and I am not over there,
I am not lost but who would have ever found?
The pictures don’t lie, they tell this tale of a little girl I never knew.
I wasn’t belonging and still I am not a part.
I am not an orphan but abandoned just the same.
I wanted to belong to you, sweet lady,
I wanted to be your little girl, your baby, your same.
I needed you brother and sister and yet I wasn’t allowed to pick your lock.
Your doors I have never entered,
I cannot now approach to knock.
I wonder now if I ever lived on your block.
I am not here, and I am not over there,
I am not lost but no one would ever want found,
The pictures don’t lie, they tell the tale of a little girl I never knew,
A little girl who wasn’t belonging, a little girl who never grew,
I was not the orphan, your mom abandoned, rather she didn’t claim.
I wanted to belong to her, sweet lady.
I wanted her to know this little girl’s remains.